
A New Behind The Scenes Project

I have not posted much this month.

But I have been writing a lot, actually… A WHOLE LOT!

At the beginning of March, I was hired to ghostwrite an e-book. I willingly took on the project with excitement and vigor. It has been a long time since I sat down to write anything over 1500 words. Due to signed wavers, I cannot share many details about the book, other than it was six chapters, 20,000 words, deals with toddler activities, and will be available on Amazon once finished. I do not have the official title or the “author’s name” for which I was writing. But the entire book was written and edited within 25 days.

I never thought I would write a book.

I never thought I was capable.

I never thought I had enough to say.

Therefore, when I took on the challenge, I didn’t have many expectations. I will say, however, that it was easier to write for someone else. In an odd way, it is liberating knowing that 99% of the people who read the book cannot associate it with my name. It is also nice to know that my income is not dependent on the number of books that I sell.

On the other side, I am really proud of the book. Upon completion, I couldn’t believe how easy it was to get words into sentences, which turn into chapters, which turned into nearly 60 single-spaced pages, all within a matter of weeks. I was reminded of how easy it is to complete a project like this when you have an outline and plan. Then, the easy part becomes executing that plan each day. Perhaps, maybe in the future, I will take on my own project and publish my own book.

But, in the meantime, here we are. Shelley Szparka is a soon-to-be-published Ghostwriter. And I think it is pretty cool!


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