Communication,  Empowerment,  Productivity

My Game Changing Motivation Hack

Motivation, it comes, it goes… we sometimes have it flowing through our veins and other days we wish their was an IV that we could insert to put it in. I totally get it.

At the studio I ask members what is one thing that I have permission to say to you when you want to quit. I get a variety of answers. Some will say “remind me why I started,” or “tell me that I am paying for this,” or “tell me to suck it up.” While all of those are fine answers, I personally have a different perspective and one that I probably don’t share enough.

When I graduated grad school, my dad wrote me a letter, his own personal commencement speech.

In the letter he told me that there is value in hard work. The value, however, doesn’t come in money. Instead it comes in “smiles.” There is a sense of accomplishment that we get that forces us to smile when we do a good job, or you watch someone under your guidance succeed. In the letter Dad says, “do the things in life that make you smile and make other’s smile- these are the things that have lasting value and will determine if you are successful. Strive for success- strive for smiles.”

When I lose motivation, I often resort to this letter. I ask myself if I am striving to reach the reward of a smile for myself, a reward of a job well done, of success. This applies to fitness. Either when I don’t want to go or I want to not give it my all, I ask am I striving to feel successful in my workout? In my health? Additionally, it also applies to how I approach the business side of the studio- am I adding positive value to other people’s lives where they “smile” more with confidence? Am I building people up making their lives better and in turn smiling more myself?

When motivation wanes, I know I need to find those smiles again. I need to experience the satisfaction of a job well done. It gets me inspired to continue. And that is the easiest way to get me moving in the right direction to finding that motivation.

Morale of the story- seek moments of success and a job well done. They will inspire and motivate you for a longer time than simply having someone else “remind me why I started” or “just tell me that I am paying for it.” Because the smile, the satisfaction, and ultimately the success will keep you going.

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