• Empowerment

    Truth Moment: Why I am Scared of Judgment

    I have been battling a fear of judgment lately. I find myself second-guessing things that used to come naturally to me. Do you feel me? Have you been there? Here is what I do to help.

    For me, I used to be very confident. I felt like the expert in the room. I felt like my opinions and knowledge changed lives. Then, I made the decision to make a major career change. I became a newbie again. I dared myself to suck. I have to put myself out there and learn. And it is scary.

    Every day I go to take action and immediately my limiting beliefs begin screaming. I don’t think people will take my career change seriously. I feel like my expertise is not up to par. I feel like everyone will be laughing behind my back, rolling their eyes and not supporting me. At times, those beliefs create anxiety, stress, and debilitating fear.

    Then I have to take a big breath, put on my big girl pants, and take action. I know that I made my decision to make a career shift because I needed growth. I needed to be challenged. I wanted to expand in 2023. I also really saw an opportunity to help and serve people in a similar way that I had already I a ton of experience in: coaching. But I disrupted how people saw me. I had to rebrand myself. And people don’t like change. When someone changes, it is hard for the people in their lives.

    After I remember my need for growth and change, I put on my big girl pants, and get my mind right. I tend to play a song that gives me some motivation and inspiration. Right now it is Carrie Underwood’s “The Champion.” This song connects with my ultimate goals. It shifts my perspective. It pumps me up, and recenters my goals.

    Next, I remind myself that there are two sides to judgment- positive and negative. Most of the time people only think of judgement as strictly negative. You truly can’t live in a judgment-free space (though Planet Fitness makes millions of dollars saying they are judgment-free). Truly, you have to have both… In fact, someone once told me that the worst place to be in Switzerland. People are going to love you or hate you… that is when you have influence and leadership. If you are neutral you really don’t have any power, you can’t truly serve, and there is no one really to lead.

    The people who value and care about me will judge me in a positive way. I will inspire, motivate, be supported by those people. Those who are going to judge me negatively don’t really matter. I ask myself, “Do I really care about what others say about me behind my back?” And if they are negatively talking about me, they don’t support me and I don’t need them in my life. When I think about the true people I want in my circle, I am okay if relationships based on negative judgment are abandoned, for those relationships are not ones that serve me and help me grow.

    Once I remind myself that judgment has two sides, I take action with the people I want to help and serve in mind. Whether it is a Facebook post, a phone call, or a networking event, I need to put myself out there and know that there are people that I can help. When I act with this in mind, it makes judgment not matter. It builds my confidence. It fuels my desire to learn more to become more of an expert. It makes me want to make better connections and expand my circle in a new way.

    Stepping back, I need to remind myself that judgment is a part of life, and to get to where you want to go, it will happen and make you uncomfortable. It is scary when you focus on the negative. But when you shift your perspective and rely on the positive, you figure out how you can contribute, lead, and serve others. Taking action on your goals becomes easier. You learn to take risks again. You learn who supports you. You grow. And you continue to challenge yourself and regain and rebuild your confidence. You got this.

  • Empowerment,  Habits,  Purposeful Living

    Why I am a Financial Professional

    I was raised by two finance professionals. My dad was a banker. My mom managed a local branch of Household Finance. Money, investing, saving, budgeting, etc was all common dinner table conversations; however, my brother and I would rather fold up a piece of paper and play football. I grew up in a family that every Christmas I would receive stocks paid for by dividends and government bonds (you know the kind that takes decades to mature). The 8-year-old me didn’t value these presents, I just wanted the Barbie doll. But the 30+-year-old me sees the value, and looking back I am thankful for the experience and knowledge passed on to me.

    When I was in junior high, Mom would set me up with a weekly budget/ allowance. I had to budget my lunch money and spending money. If I wanted something I would have to figure out how to save that money to make the purchase. This continued throughout high school. Understanding money coming in versus money going out helped me know where to spend my dollars wisely.

    Yes, my parents tried to pass on financial literacy to me throughout my teen years. But, admittedly I took those lessons for granted. Why? My need for something now was stronger than my need for financial stability and freedom in my 40s, 50s, and 60s. Sometimes looking back, I think retirement was just too far away to really take that need seriously. I fell victim to the immediate want vesus the long term want mentality. My wants of today trumped my wants of the future.

    Then, as life continued, I found it hard to admit failure with money- especially when your parents tried so hard to teach you better. It is a little embarrassing to discuss things like credit card debt, credit scores, money in a saving account, budget, investing, and how perhaps you are trying to just make ends meet living paycheck to paycheck. There are so many negative stereotypes associated with each one of these areas that for many ignorances or pushing the problem aside is just easier.

    When Matthew and I finally decided to take our wealth more seriously, we were in our 30s. And we knew we needed a coach. This coach didn’t necessarily need to tell us what to do, but, instead, to change my perspective, help me problem solve, and hold us accountable to taking these goals seriously.

    The good news is that one of the ways we learn is by making mistakes. I am glad I have the life experiences of learning about money to help me relate to others who need help. I can pass these lessons on. Like many I have paid off student-loan debt (thanks to a 3rd degree that I didn’t even finish). I have overcome credit card debt. I have lived paycheck to paycheck and taught myself how to save so that stress isn’t so dire.

    Admitting all this is embarrassing, especially because I should have known better because my parents tried so hard to give me the tools and teach me about money. But it is all true. When I decided to take my money seriously, my life changed. And I have gained a ton of knowledge including how to create the habits to get yourself unstuck. I am literally walking, talking proof that if I can make these changes, you can too. And I am here to help.

    Financial planning isn’t just about investments and portfolios. It isn’t just for the rich and soon-to-be retired. Financial advising is here to help you take control of your bad habits, and for you to take ownership of your money. It is for you and for your family to be protected in case the unimaginable happens. It is for you to dream about a work-optional lifestyle instead of a life where you must work. And I can’t wait to watch people gain confidence and control of their money and watch people dream in exciting, amazing ways, createing a life where those dreams come true.

  • Empowerment,  Purposeful Living

    I Just Wanna Help People

    I think the title of this blog explains it all. For the last 9+ years, I have been helping people with their health and fitness. Before that, I spent 8 years helping people through education. But, I am not getting any younger. After months of deliberation, I want to take my passion in a different way… I want to help people with their retirement and financial investments.

    You see, I grew up with parents who were both in finance. Typical dinner conversation included conversation about how money works and grows. For Christmas, instead of a Barbie Doll, I got stocks and government bonds purchased from dividends. Sounds so fun, right?

    That is why when I graduated at 18 and moved to Toledo, I was determined to figure it out on my own. 5 years ago, I joined a Toastmasters group to improve my public speaking and leadership skills. That is where I met Alec, a financial professional with Wealth Wave. At the time, I wasn’t looking to get into finance. In fact, my entire life, I told myself I never wanted to end up like my parents. And I don’t want you to mishear anything… I am still happily helping people in health and fitness. But I always thought I could do more.

    I believe health and wealth go hand and hand, and some of our biggest social problems are both in health and finance. Our habits with spending, movement, and nutrition are all very similar. If you can learn to adjust your habits with any of them, your life will be changed. Sometimes you just need the go-to coach with the knowledge and recommendations to help you learn more.

    In 2020, Alec handed me the “How Money Works” book. I handed it to Matthew, who after 45 minutes handed it back to me. Upon which we had one of our big answers questioned. Even though Matthew and I had a house, car payments, and two kids… neither one of us had life insurance that would be able to help in case the unimaginable happened. Alec provided the solution that we were looking for.

    But once we talked to Alec, we realized that he had other solutions to some of our smaller money concerns including how to consolidate scattered 401Ks from various jobs and how to invest money in different accounts to allow our money to work for us instead of us always working for money.

    In January of this year, Alec and I had a different conversation about how I could become a part of the team. I love to help people and problem-solve, and sometimes you need to learn new skills to help people in different ways. That is my passion. That is where I feel most confident and fulfilled. That is where I know I can have the biggest impact and influence in life… and that is why I decided to jump in… take on a new challenge, and learn to help people in a different way.

    I dived in. And I went “back to school” so to say. I enrolled in different certification classes. Though I am not all the way to where I want to be with licensing and certifications, I will be by June. I have completed my Life and Health Insurance license and am able to help with both needs, as well as different annuity options. Within a few months, I will be able to help with other investment needs, including IRA options. I am really excited about what the future holds.

    Some of you may still be asking why… and the answer is really simple. I just want to be able to help people wherever I can. And the more I know, the more I can provide to the people I care about and love. Helping and serving is who I am… and it is so exciting to see where I can take this new knowledge and ability. Let’s go!

  • Empowerment,  Purposeful Living

    Encouraging One Another To Grow

    It’s Ash Wednesday. The start of lent. Each year people look to fast, pray, and give during these 40 days. While some give up alcohol, sugar, soda, fast food, and clutter (please continue the list), I take this time to work on my spiritual life, to prepare my heart.

    This year I am doing an email series by Matthew Kelly entitled The Best Lent Ever. Each day there is a short emailed video for reflection and typically an action item to spread the “Holy Moment.” Today’s action is to encourage someone.

    Immediately, I was like this is an easy one. Being a mom and a fitness coach, I encourage people every day. I encourage my kids to write their letters, read their books, make their beds, and practice karate. I encourage our members to try new moves, to level up their skills, to continue until the bell rings, or to try better food choices. In those areas of life, I have become a MASTER ENCOURAGER. I never considered a moment of encouragement to be a “holy moment” for others. But for someone who rarely receives encouragement, it probably is a moment that is very special. A moment where they are recognized, noticed, pushed to grow, and celebrated.

    Immediately, I thought about the last time I was encouraged. How did I accept it?

    I think I am a person who is better at encouraging others than accepting encouragement myself. As a leader, I think I have created this personality that is the one to lift others instead of ever needing to lift myself. I am a know-it-all. I expect myself to succeed. I will discover answers to be prepared. I love to prove doubters wrong, no encouragement is needed.

    How sad and lonely does that sound?

    Maybe I need to soften my shell (pun intended) a little and allow the encouragement in? Maybe this is an area in which I can grow? To find others who encourage, not compete with me. To allow others to empower me, to believe in me, to encourage more out of me to break those limits.

    I do think that when we are bold enough to encourage one another and are honest with one another about where we would like to see improvement in our lives (whether work, home, school, etc), the right mentors and guides will come into our lives. I believe we need to seek out mentors who will encourage us and help us learn new skills, and we are more likely to succeed. We are not in this world alone. We all need encouragement. We all face challenges. And we all could use that moment of someone noticing that we are trying and offering their knowledge, recognition, and advice to keep going.

    I am not trying to press religion here, but I do think that today’s Lenten message has good humanitarian reasoning. So I challenge you… How can you either encourage someone or accept encouragement today?

  • Empowerment,  Habits,  Purposeful Living

    Lesson Learned: Forgive to Expand

    “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” – Proverbs 27:17

    I check my Instagram messages and type, “Still good for 9:30.” Quickly I get a reply, “Yes, see you there.” I take a big breath. I am nervous. But, Lily and I are committed to meeting an old acquaintance for coffee. This person and I have not spoken in years and our friendship ended abruptly. I didn’t agree with her actions. I felt hurt and betrayed by her. I held a grudge. And I couldn’t forgive her.

    I requested that we grab a coffee. These last few months I have been thinking about her and our relationship. How we actually challenged one another and learned from one another… sharpened one another. We pushed one another’s creativity, competitiveness, leadership, and growth. I learned how to deal with conflict differently because of our experience. She actually sharpened me.

    When Lily and I walked into the coffee shop, she was already there. We walked up to her table and sat. Immediately, I remembered my word of the year “expand” and recognized that in order to expand this year, I needed to forgive. I needed to release my grudge.

    Was it hard? Yes. Was it super uncomfortable? Yes. Did I like feeling humbled? No.

    But when we walked out of the coffee shop nearly 2 hours later, I felt a release of something I have been holding onto with negative intention. It was calming and peaceful. It felt good. It was powerful. It was expanding who I am.

    Lesson learned: Forgiveness isn’t forgetting… it is giving yourself a chance to expand and grow.

  • Empowerment

    Why We All Need Encouragement

    “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” Thessalonians 5:11

    “I am just scared. Scared of failing. Scared of people taking me seriously. Scared of re-creating how people see me. And that is why I toss and turn at 3 am.” I told a good friend while sharing a glass of wine yesterday. Admitting fear takes down the veil. It also allows people to come into your life and reignite that spark that made you want to get started in the first place. When confidence is lacking, encouragement from others is needed.

    Unfortunately, we also live in a world where “independence” is praised, and asking for help is scarier than being up all night worrying. So we learn to suffer solo, which is a very grim world to be in. When we learn to let others into our world, dreams, and visions, we can come up with better plans of action to make them real. We can get that encouragement to keep going. We can gain insight into how to help one another turn an idea into a reality. Sharing is so important.

    Wow! To everyone who reached out yesterday and connected with my blog, thank you. To those of you who have grabbed a coffee, or dealt with my crazy through text, phone calls, in-person chats, and more. Thank you! Having encouragement and insight is amazing! I appreciate all of you!
    Brene Brown often talks about the power of vulnerability. But like many of us out there, especially in leadership positions, I don’t like to be vulnerable. It is just as uncomfortable as not knowing. But it also sparked a ton of amazing conversations, so much encouragement, and helped push past some of those limiting beliefs that caused fear in my mind.

    Cheers to all!

  • Communication,  Empowerment,  Purposeful Living

    How to Powerfully Push Past Risk

    I have been writing a lot about risk and change lately. It is not bad. You can’t avoid change. The days change. You receive change. Your body changes. Relationships change. You name it. Change is out there. Many people spend so much time serving and avoiding change at all costs. But, eventually, it will find you. You cannot hide forever.

    People avoid change because with change comes risk. And the risk is probably scarier than the idea of changing. What if I join a gym, do not go, don’t see results, and lose all my money? Sounds risky. Sounds scary. We often paint the worst-case scenario in our lives. We think about the failure and it fuels us to avoid the risk.

    But as Kelly Clarkson so proudly declares in her song “Stronger,” “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…” And here is where I have been focusing my efforts for years. Instead of focusing on the moment of failure, focus on the moment after. The re-evaluate, the lesson learned, the rebuild moment. If you don’t succeed what happens? If you do succeed what happens? Either way, you learn, you grow, and you flourish… even in failure.

    I was a volleyball player. And literally, every point you allowed was a point of failure. The ball either hit the floor or your side or you hit it out of bounce on the other side. One thing most volleyball players have become trained to do is after the volley, everyone meets in the middle. We re-evaluate what happened and we celebrate the success or correct the failure. Lessons are immediately learned then applied with the next serve. There is no time to dwell on the mistake. There is no time to assess risk. And there is definitely no time to stop. You keep moving forward.

    I watched Lily, my 4-year-old learn this lesson while playing with her magnetic tiles. She was in her room and every so often I would hear this grunt of frustration, then the whole tiled building collapsed. She would rebuild it. And again, another grunt of frustration and the building collapsed. Finally, in a moment of exhilaration, she yelled, “Mom, come here, look at this.” And she built this beauty. A pentagon of colors and fun. An atypical design. A change from the normal square and cubes. Something out of the box. She risked. She rebuilt. She learned. And you can too.

    Despite the frustration, she rebuilt it until it was a success!

    The tool to develop is to focus on the rebuild and the moment about what happens next. The tool is to go into everything with the mentality that lessons will be learned, not failure happened. Lessons learned sound a lot less scary than “I risked and failed.” No, you risked, you learned, and you moved forward. So let’s make this year the year we think about the rebuild and the lesson, not the year of the avoidance to change and failure.

  • Empowerment,  Habits,  Purposeful Living

    Change Your Habits, Change Your World

    I think a lot about people’s habits. I coach people to create new habits. I believe we, ultimately, are our habits.

    Think about it. The habit of how you move and eat affects your body. The habit of how you think affects your actions. The habit of your daily actions affects how you are seen in the world.

    If you want to make a change, you must change your daily habits.

    There are many reasons why people decide they want to change their habits. For some, it is a health scare. For others, it is they are unhappy and making a change will bring more joy, energy, confidence, and happiness to their lives.

    At the studio, I am part of these conversations daily. People come into the studio ready to take the first step and make a change. For some, the first step is easy. For others, just walking into the studio causes anxiety, nervousness, and fear. As a professional, I remind them that it is okay to be anxious. Doing something different and out of your current routine is where that magical change happens. I also let them know that I will help guide them down this path. For many, it is important to know that they are not alone.

    Someone really dear to me recently changed many of her daily habits in 2021. She did it by taking on one habit at a time. She started by making the decision for herself, not for anyone else. She sought professional help and guidance. She committed. She came up with alternatives to keep her busy to break the habit. She developed a plan. I know these changes were not easy. But each day, I saw her become more confident in her decision and proud of herself.

    Once one habit was broken, she took on a second one. Again, she committed. She had a timer go off to remind her to complete her new habit. She didn’t turn off the timer or neglect it, even when she was doing something else. She focused on her new habit. The best part is she got creative to make completing her new habit fun. When things are fun, we are more likely to do them. When we actually do them, we see the positive result we desire. For her, that result definitely includes more stamina, more energy, a healthier appearance, better skin tone, and honestly, more laughing, smiling, and connection.

    To say I am proud to witness these changes in her habits is an understatement. I am elated. I am overjoyed. I am amazed. It has been one of the biggest transformations I have witnessed in my lifetime.

    The best advice when taking on any habit changing transformation includes:
    1.) Make the decision to change your habits for yourself
    2.) Revolutionize one habit at a time
    2.) Have a purpose for why you are making the change and remind yourself daily
    3.) Take it one day (sometimes one hour) at a time. Big results will add up over time.
    4.) Notice the positive changes the new habit has made in your life. Find the daily win.
    5.) Stay consistent.

    Remember habits ultimately determine who you are. To make a lifestyle change and change your world, you must start with small habits. And with one habit changed, it becomes easier to change more. You too can change your habits by adjusting what you do daily.

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