• Habits,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    But First, Get Me My Coffee

    Morning routines. We all have them. Some of us rise with the first alarm. Others snooze 12 times before getting out of bed. Some of us make our bed right away, while others choose not to make their bed at all. Some of us drink water in the morning. Others want to shake their coffee machine because it can’t brew fast enough.

    Our routines are our habits. It is a reflection of what we most consistently do. While I do drink water, have a protein shake, and take my supplements while the coffee is brewing, it is still part of my routine. This morning, disaster. Somehow our BUNN coffee maker got turned off. The water that poured through the grinds was cold. The coffee… clear. Disappointing? Yes. Annoying? Yes. Devasting? Could have been, depending on the day.

    I didn’t even like coffee until I was 34. That is what happens when you have a two year old and a newborn… you drink coffee to have a little energy for both. Now, I find myself making a cup for all kinds of random things. My hands are cold, let me make a cup of coffee. I need to focus on a project, let me make a cup of coffee first. It is quiet in the house, let me enjoy it with a cup of coffee. I just ate too much dinner, might as well have a cup of coffee.

    I know I am not alone. Sometimes I wonder if we replaced the smoke break with the coffee break. I have never been a smoker, but I can see how taking a moment to make a cup of coffee can help you slow down, realign your thoughts, and breathe. I could be wrong. But I could also see it.

    But, back to my original point… My coffee maker didn’t work today. I feel the hiccup in my morning routine. I feel like I am missing something without the warm cup in my hand, the savory smell, and the bitter taste. Please… get me my coffee!

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