Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

Eliminate Your Case of the Mondays

Show of hands… how many of you hate Mondays? That alarm goes off Monday morning and you immediately hit snooze and wish there was a way to magically turn back time to Sunday morning. I totally get it, I mean no one really likes Monday. It is 5 days until the weekend when you can relax again… right? What if there was a way to make Mondays less dreadful?

One way I make the start of the week less stressful is by actually shifting the start of my week from Monday to Sunday. Sundays have a different tone. They are a slower paced day, a day for fun and family, a day for worship and love, a day for connection… and for me also a day for planning. When I shifted the start of my week to Sunday, I realized that I can actually be more prepared throughout the week and can start my week more centered and balanced than full of work and overwhelm.

On Sundays I plan my week. I sit down for about 30 minutes and write down the things that must get done. This “must list” includes events going on, appointments, meetings, workout times, work projects, bills that need to get paid, and more. Next I schedule what I am going to get done each day. When I schedule these things, I keep to them just like would a doctor’s appointment, which helps me stay focused and accountable throughout the week and remain efficient.

Once my week is planned, I look at groceries that need to be bought and make my list. I also evaluate what chores need to be completed and set up a schedule for the week. This entire planning period is less than 45 minutes, but saves me so much stress throughout the week, especially Monday morning. Why? Because I have a plan that I can attack the week with to get me moving.

Then I turn it all off and have some fun! I relax, I play with the kids, I laugh and smile! I am ready for the rest of the week, and that is a pretty powerful way to start the week.

When I switched from my week starting on Monday to Sunday, I get to start my week on my own terms- my terms of inspirations, fun, excitement, and relaxation… not with the stress that Monday tends to provide, and for me that has made a load of difference in my overall happiness.

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