Empowerment,  Productivity

Top 5 Quotes to Get me MOVING!

I love quotes! I love pictures with motivating quotes! Here are my top 10 that I go back to again and again…

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary”- Vince Lombardi

Being an English major and an athlete this quote reminds me of my roots. I know that if I am going to succeed I must have exceptional work ethic.

“Are you the adult that you want your child to grow up to be” Brene Brown

Although I hate when I hear myself say something and I know I am sounding like my mother, but it is true. We learn from our parents. Our parents set the example. As a new mom, I am often asking myself if I am setting the right example, and instilling in my kids the right characteristics that I want my kids to be in the future.

“Dream Big. Pray Bigger”

I am a goal setter. Some of my goals are dreams, imaginative. But, I still can’t believe how many of them have come true. I believe prayer has something to do with it. When I put it out there, I start formulating a way to make it happen. Small things become clear, solutions are found.

“Excuses are for People Who Don’t Want It Bad Enough.”

Excuses don’t get you what you want. Yet, so many times we come up with some reason why we are overweight, broke, unhappy. Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. If you want something, you problem solve, research, or ask for help on how to get it. There are coaches for anything you can imagine from fitness, nutrition, money management, accountability. The problem is that we as humans have a hard time asking for help. When you have the help, excuses disappear. When the excuses disappear, your dreams happen.

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right” – Henry Ford

It’s true! If you believe you can, you will figure out how to make it happen. But if you think you can’t, you will sabotage your ability to do what you want. Change your mindset. Begin believing that you can, and you will get there, even if it takes awhile.

Comment below! What are your quotes that get you moving! Let’s inspire each other!


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