
How To Ruin A Snow Day

Okay, I am going to say it. Snow days are NOT what they used to be. Whatever happened to waking up for school? Checking out the window to see if it snowed, Then turning on the TV to see if your school was listed. I remember mom trying to drop us off at the babysitter and getting stuck in the snow going up the hill of our neighborhood and turning around to come home.

Now we get text messages and automated phone calls the night before to tell us that school is going to be closed in the morning. At this point, it hasn’t even snowed yet. And when we wake up in the morning, it still hasn’t snowed yet.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for planning as a parent. And I do believe that it is nice to know ahead of time that the snow is coming. But, it just takes all the fun and spontaneity out of a true snow day. And perhaps we need some of that spontaneity in our lives, or at least a morning when the world literally tells us to go back to bed. But that is only the beginning of ruining a snow day.

Aside from being “unknown,” snow days are days to practice being present. The world miraculously tells you to take a break, to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of morning commutes, and to slow down. It will all still get done when the snow passes, instead, I couldn’t believe the amount of social media posts that stated people were bringing extra work home or kids that brought home extra school work. And this behavior is ruining a snow day.

I understand not wanting to fall behind but come on. Why are we filling the snow day with more things to do? Instead, why not fill the day with enjoying the snow? Play. Embrace your inner child. Look outside your window at the landscape before you, because as soon as the weather changes, that snow is gone. Put on your snow clothes and go play. Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate. Snow days are about getting an extra chance to be a kid and enjoy the day with wonder. TAKE IT.

Snow days are about creativity. Now hear me out on this one. We are so used to filling our time with mindless things to do. But, wasting a snow day is ruining a chance to make memories and be creative. Try an experiment and learn something new. Get outside and shovel the snow. Make a snow angel just for the hell of it. Smile. Laugh. Do something unexpected with your unexpected day off. Enjoy. That is what it really comes down to.

Enjoy. Enjoy the “unexpected” day that forces you to slow down, be present, and be creative. Don’t waste a snow day by filling it with busy work and pre-planning because you will ruin it. You will make it pass by just like every other day, and when that happens, it isn’t special anymore.

When I was a kid snow days were special. Let’s keep them that way.

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