Communication,  Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

One Major Tip for Building a Habit

I have been in a Toastmaster’s group for over a year now. Each week we have an extemporaneous section of our meeting, where one person calls on different members to answer questions. This week was around the theme of habits and morning routines.

I understand that some people are not morning people. It is difficult to get people up and going. One member reminded me that she actually has her most energy in the middle of the day, and that is where she finds her most productive time. Other’s do more in their first three hours. While other’s just wish.

I know I have mentioned what I do in the morning, but what is it that makes it stick? Why can I actually create these habits. There is one trick that allows me to actually break the old habit and follow through with what I am trying to do, no matter the time of the day. Mornings just work well for me… What is the trick?

When I get go to bed, I know what is something that I want to accomplish. For example, it if I want my habit to be to get out of bed and read in the morning… it is easy to hit the snooze and just fall back asleep. Most people do it.

But, here is what happens in my mind next. I tell myself, I wanted to get up and I have the INTEGRITY and SELF CREDIBILITY to get out of bed like I intended. Someone with integrity and self credibility will do what they wished, someone without it doesn’t. And quite honestly, I don’t want to be someone without integrity and self credibility. Therefore, I push past that little voice that says to “hit the snooze,” or “not read the book.”

Pretty soon I was getting out of bed when I intended, without thinking about it. Yes, that habit was created. Over time, I could add in more to the morning routine. I would remind myself that I had the integrity and self credibility to get in done. Guess what pretty soon I was getting up and making my bed. Then with the same strategy I was drinking more water, reading, and moving. It all didn’t happen at once. And even today, when I want to add something in, I go back to the idea that I have the INTEGRITY AND SELF CREDIBILITY to create the habit that I want.

Next time you find yourself hitting the snooze button or derailing from the habit that you want to create, take a moment and remind yourself that you have self credibility and integrity to do what you intend to do. Then just go! You got this.

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