• Communication,  Empowerment,  Productivity

    Cleaning the Mess of Soul Care

    Last week I introduced this idea of Soul Care. I said it was hard to define. And that claim continues…I am just letting these ideas develop organically. I am not sure where they are going. But as I think, new thoughts emerge and I am just letting them flow. Maybe my recording my stream of conscious, a strong theme will emerge.

    By nature, I am a cluttered filled person. But I hide it. For the most part, the room looks put together, but open up a drawer or a closet and you are in for a completely different story. Although the counters may be clear in the kitchen, but the junk drawer is jam packed. Sometimes it takes mad skills to even open the drawer. My closets are no better.

    Much like my closets, I think for many people, their quest for productivity, confidence, purpose, happiness is also a mess. We all look for the next book, the step by step guide, the next easy way to get what we want in the blink of an eye. In turn, our brains take all this knowledge and create tons of confusion about what brings us happiness. Our mind, body, heart, and soul becomes more cluttered than my closet. Because we don’t like clutter, we hide the fact that we are being pulled in so many different directions, but still searching for what we truly want.

    Every year, my husband gets an 8’x12′ dumpster. It sits in our driveway for a week, and we declutter. We start with the garage. Move to the kitchen, bathrooms, closets, bedrooms. By the end of the week, it is full of physical junk. But the house is clean, organized, dusted. Though not every room looks different- the furniture is still the same in the same place, the decor is exactly the same… but the hidden places are lighter, free.

    When I think of Soul Care, I think of the hidden places within us that need reorganized, cleaned, dusted. But one piece is missing. Getting rid of a dumpster worth of junk takes a ton of work, but when it comes to soul care, we don’t want to do the work. Instead we look for the superficial self-care to get us through. What if we took the time to declutter our soul? What does that look like? Where would we focus? What kind of mess would we need to clean? Are we willing to do the dirty work to make the soul sparkle or shine? Where do we need to roll up our sleeves are put the effort in? For each of us it is different. There is no step-by-step guide. There are moments when we need to gather, and other times when we need to purge. Maybe a purge is calling you. Get back to the essentials. A rediscovering of your priorities. And then deciding how to act on those priorities, which again for each of us individually is different. But it is my current thought on how to care of your soul.

  • Empowerment,  Productivity

    Sleep- It’s Good for the SOUL

    Let’s talk about SLEEP, baby!

    Mom’s I am sure you can relate… Sleep, becomes a hot commodity, and somehow you learn to function with very little to none.

    Five and half years ago, I was expecting my first child, and between not being comfortable and having to pee, I quickly learned to function tired. It made transitioning to life with a newborn easier. And the pattern of no sleep continued during my second pregnancy and baby.

    Once both kids were finally sleeping through the night, I had a second problem arise that stole my sleep. STRESS. When stress creeps into my world, I have insomnia. I will wake up at 2 am and be up tossing and turning. My mind will begin racing faster than a NASCAR in Daytona, and I will never get back to sleep. At least once or twice a week, I would find myself wide awake in the middle of the night, sometimes with enough stress that I would do 3 am workouts just to release it and see if that would help. It rarely did.

    Now, with stress and lack of sleep other things happen. Your body doesn’t have the proper rest, but still needs energy to keep up with daily life. Insert sugar. To say that I would rely on high sugar foods and carbs to sustain my energy levels would be an understatement. I LIVED on it. I HAD TO HAVE IT. I CRAVED IT. I was ADDICTED to it.

    Additionally, stress also increases cortisol levels, a hormone that stores belly fat. Between the stress eating and stress hormones, it felt like my all of my workouts were not working. I was staying the same. The same weight. The same pants size. The SAME tiredness.

    Then, just a month ago… something changed. We did a 21 Instructor Challenge. The challenge asked us to workout 4-5 times a week (which I was already doing), clean up our diets and log our food into MyFitnessPal (okay get sugar in check), and take supplements.

    For the first time I took a sleep aid supplement, called Sleep Multiplier by Prestige Labs. It is 100% natural and full of minerals and nutrients found in real food (in fact you can find many of the nutrients individually sold in the vitamin aisle of your local grocery store if you feel like buying 7 different products). Additionally most of the nutrients are ones that 85% of people lack in their daily diets, and combined together help to decrease anxiety and promote relaxation. To further the benefits of the Sleep Multiplier, it is full of antioxidants that fight Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It promotes brain function, decreases inflammation, and boosts your immune system.

    What I loved about it, is that after 6 hours of sleep I felt like I had gotten 8 hours. I am also dreaming again. When we dream we are in deep REM sleep, which the good sleep that allows your body to recover– ultimately meaning my workouts were not going to waste. The best part is after about 3 days, my sugar cravings were nearly GONE! Internally my body said, “I got high quality sleep last night, I don’t need sugar to keep me going today.”

    My SOUL CARE during this challenge wasn’t pounds or inches lost (Yes they were an added bonus). My SOUL CARE was sleep rediscovered. It was waking up from a 5 1/2 years of grogginess. It was being able to make better choices because I was focusing on proper rest and putting the right nutrients into my body that allowed me to get rid of built up stress. It was being able to relax and reduce my cortisol levels. It was clear headed focus. It was waking up with energy. It was sleep.

    I have talked to a lot of people who are weary of supplements. That is why I did my research on how the ingredients worked. I love that it was not full of junk or fillers, but real things that are found in food. I am amazed that with real nutrients (and not the added calories from eating those foods), I didn’t have to rely on hormones like Melatonin to get me to sleep. Because once you start taking Melatonin your brain forgets how to produce it naturally. Therefore, many people become dependent on it for a very very long time. This product does not have that effect. People say science is amazing, food science and nutrition is amazing, and by simply putting the right nutrients into your body, you can have a whole new take on SOUL CARE and rest. I literally feel like a whole new person- relaxed and rested 🙂

    This is not a pitch to get you to try this supplement. I am not here to sell it on this blog. This is just what I have been blown away by the power of real rest and my SOUL CARE process.

    I am here, however, to have you ask yourself is your sleep holding you back like it was me? It your sleep making your SOUL WEARY? Are you not your best because you are not rested? Then maybe to think about why… and how maybe improving on something like your sleep could make you feel better, stronger, more alive throughout the day, as well as give you the mental clarity and focus to be the mom, wife, neighbor, friend that you want to be.

    As always, any additional tips and tricks to improve sleep quality are always welcomed 🙂

  • Empowerment,  Productivity

    Life Lessons From The Tortoise and the Hare

    Do you remember the fable? Yes, the one we read in elementary school. The Tortoise and the Hare is when the quick rabbit challenged the slow and steady turtle to a race. Determined that he will win, the Hare decides he will take a nap, but he oversleeps. In the mean time, the slow and steady Tortoise passes the sleeping Hare and wins. The morale of the story, slow and steady.

    Now, to bring it to real life. A few weeks ago, my in-law’s dog Charlie comes sauntering up to the house with something in it’s mouth. It was a turtle. I live about a quarter of a mile from my in-laws, but our property has a nice sized pond. We thought it would be a good idea to put the rescued (un-injured) turtle into our pond to live. So we packed him up and brought him home.

    When we got home we let the little guy loose. He scurried to the pond faster than I realized a turtle could move.

    A week later, I found the turtle in our turn around on our driveway. He was sun bathing, moving at the normal turtles pace, but also moving away from the pond. Because, that pond was not his home.

    A few days later, Charlie finds his turtle friend again, a quarter mile from our pond. It took him two weeks to make it back to his starting place, but he got there. Moving slowly, steadily in the direction of where he wanted to be.

    How many times have you rushed to where you want to be? In the fitness industry, it is seen everywhere. Do this magical workout. Take this special pill. Try this new diet. We all want to be there fast. But what if, for once we had the mindset and determination of the turtle. He got there (and will continue his journey to where ever he was trying to get to before Charlie discovered him). He moved slow and steady. He pursued “there” despite dogs and humans setting him back. Heck, he even took some time to sun bathe.

    I say all of this while our studio is starting a 4 week fitness challenge. Personally, for most people, challenges are for those “hares.” Those people who want results now and don’t want to find the slow and steady. But I also know that for others, challenges tend to spark and interest to try something new and maybe develop the habits to keep the changes made longer than just the 4 weeks.

    I tend to opt out of many of our challenges. But, this time, I am experimenting with something slightly new. I am going to think like the tortoise. I am going to use the 4 weeks to analyze my summer set backs (food, beverage, sugar choices). Like the turtle, I am going to pursue where I was and where I want to be with a slow and steady yet determined and relentless mindset. And I am going to live the healthy lifestyle that I want to live more often than I currently do.

    Morale of this story: It’s okay to have your own journey. You will have set backs. You will need a break to enjoy the sun. You will be thrown off course by things completely out of your control– but keep your eye on where you ultimately want to end up and relentlessly pursue that vision no matter how slow and steady you get there.

  • Communication,  Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    STOP Creating Your Own Adversity!

    Last week I mentioned how adversity just sometimes happens. But sometimes, I hate to say it, we create our own adversity. I have an ego that is like “Superwoman:” I can DO IT ALL, and THEN SOME!!!! I like to feel like Mighty Mouse walking around boldly singing, “Here I come to save the day.” … And then I try, which means I take on too much, my day becomes jammed full, and before I even recognize it, I am problem solving a problem that I created.

    Normally, feeling like you are saving the day allows adrenaline to kick in, giving me energy. I begin to say things like, “I am helping,” “Look at all the stuff that got checked of my to-do list.” “I am so productive.” I finish the day tired, but satisfied that it all got done. I feel victorious and accomplished. These feelings tell me I did good, which outweighs the fact that I have been running around like a mad-woman all day and am totally exhausted.

    The feeling of victory releases good hormones in my brain–Dopamine and serotonin. These are the same addicting hormones that happen when you do drugs. My drug addiction becomes “saving the day.” The thing is, after a few days, weeks, or months… I become physically, emotionally, and mentally stressed out and tired. I just want someone to step in and help… but (here’s a big secret) I am bad at/ or don’t like to ask people for help. Therefore, I feel alone and stuck. This feeling again is a form of adversity, though 100% self induced.

    For the last year I have been very conscious of this problem. I have purposely said “no” to taking on some projects because I don’t want the added stress on my plate. I have began to analyze the problems in front of me differently. I have created awareness that I can’t do it all, but I can do something.

    I have learned that “doing something” sometimes means asking for help from others. Or, that “doing something” means that I can teach others how to do it. Or, that “doing something” means that a project can take longer than 24 hours to complete and it’s okay to split it up over the course of time. I have learned that “doing something” can have a one hour time limit, and it’s okay to turn it off when the time limit is up.

    I used to say that one of my greatest strengths was that I could get so many things done. What I now realize is that one of my greatest strengths also has the potential to be my greatest weakness. Saving the day has it’s perks… but even super heros need breaks.

  • Communication,  Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    “Sh!t Happens:” A Bumper Sticker that Changed How I View Adversity

    Tell me if something like this has happened to you…. Because it happens to me ALL THE TIME!

    You decide that you are going to do something, for example, save some money to pay for a vacation or pay off a credit card… then something happens to stop you, like an unexpected car expense. All of a sudden you feel like you are always stuck behind the eight ball, and the world won’t let you get ahead to reach your goals, or let you have a vacation.

    Have you felt like that? We all have.

    It is called ADVERSITY. And just like when Forrest Gump stepped in sh!t during his cross country run and the line “sh!t happens” became a tag line on a bumper sticker, adversity happens too. Heck, that’s the real name to the “sh!t.” And yes, it sucks, it smells, and it is an awful deterrent to any goal.

    But, you have two choices. You can dwell on it and complain… or you could be like Forrest Gump, say “it happens,” then take another step and keep moving.

    Adversity is an interesting beast. It happens in every aspect of life. Why? Because a majority of the 20th century, we have become obsessed with making our world about ease and convenience– about coming up with a way of battling adversity. When time was a problem, we developed cars to make travel time quicker, creating more time. When passing messages took too long, we developed phones to communicate quicker. As a society we are always looking for ways to destroy adversity.

    Now while this has allowed our society to grow in exponential ways (I really don’t want to go back to times of pre-cars) I also believe that this has created a society that allows adversity to win many battles because so much is done for us so quickly, and thus has allowed us to lose both self-confidence and problem solving abilities. We simply don’t know how to say “it happens” and move on… instead we dwell on it, and let it stress us out and create anxiety.

    But what if, for a brief moment prior to a major melt-down, you take a deep breath, say “it happens,” and focus on the next step. How would your life be different? Would you have less stress? Would you come up with a different solution instead of getting stuck up on that moment like a skipping CD (oh wait, CDs and records don’t have that problem anymore thanks to digital music… tehehe, just another example how we have eliminated adversity).

    This blog is just written to get you thinking about the adversity in your life. No, I don’t like to use extra cash to pay for an unexpected expense, but “it happens.” The crazy thing is, that somehow someway, we learn to take care of it. But the real power comes from despite the adversity, we still keep our eye on what we want to achieve, regardless of the sh!t we have to step in to get there. When something matters to us, we make “it happen” too. And the stuff we have to overcome to get there builds our confidence, our character, and our determination to beat any adversity that may try to knock us down in the future. Therefore, learn to use adversity to your advantage. Change your relationship with the “sh!t that happens,” and learn from Forrest Gump to simply take the next step. Life will be less stressful that way.

  • Communication,  Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    One Major Tip for Building a Habit

    I have been in a Toastmaster’s group for over a year now. Each week we have an extemporaneous section of our meeting, where one person calls on different members to answer questions. This week was around the theme of habits and morning routines.

    I understand that some people are not morning people. It is difficult to get people up and going. One member reminded me that she actually has her most energy in the middle of the day, and that is where she finds her most productive time. Other’s do more in their first three hours. While other’s just wish.

    I know I have mentioned what I do in the morning, but what is it that makes it stick? Why can I actually create these habits. There is one trick that allows me to actually break the old habit and follow through with what I am trying to do, no matter the time of the day. Mornings just work well for me… What is the trick?

    When I get go to bed, I know what is something that I want to accomplish. For example, it if I want my habit to be to get out of bed and read in the morning… it is easy to hit the snooze and just fall back asleep. Most people do it.

    But, here is what happens in my mind next. I tell myself, I wanted to get up and I have the INTEGRITY and SELF CREDIBILITY to get out of bed like I intended. Someone with integrity and self credibility will do what they wished, someone without it doesn’t. And quite honestly, I don’t want to be someone without integrity and self credibility. Therefore, I push past that little voice that says to “hit the snooze,” or “not read the book.”

    Pretty soon I was getting out of bed when I intended, without thinking about it. Yes, that habit was created. Over time, I could add in more to the morning routine. I would remind myself that I had the integrity and self credibility to get in done. Guess what pretty soon I was getting up and making my bed. Then with the same strategy I was drinking more water, reading, and moving. It all didn’t happen at once. And even today, when I want to add something in, I go back to the idea that I have the INTEGRITY AND SELF CREDIBILITY to create the habit that I want.

    Next time you find yourself hitting the snooze button or derailing from the habit that you want to create, take a moment and remind yourself that you have self credibility and integrity to do what you intend to do. Then just go! You got this.

  • Empowerment,  Productivity

    “One of the Greatest Pleasures in Life is Realizing That Two Weeks Ago Your Body Couldn’t Do What It Just Did!”

    This quote was my reality check yesterday. Wake up Shelley… the economy will open up soon, and you are going to have to go back to work. Upon which, I immediately inserted an at home yoga workout and began to move.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I have been trying to workout. I teach my “LIVE with Jack and Lily from Shelley’s Garage” kickboxing class every Monday. I attempt to tune in to other instructors during their teaching times. Heck, I have even turned on Bas Rutten workouts only to have Jack wake up from his nap and ask “Why is some guy yelling at you to bump the bag?” But, yeah I get it… working out at home is hard, especially with kids.

    I am, however, taken back to sports. In the off season we were always given workouts that needed to be done so we weren’t out of shape come time to practice. And every year, we could always tell who were the ones who did the training, and who the ones who didn’t. Normally, unfortunately, the entire team got punished with extra sprints when times were not being met.

    And here I am, two weeks before we open up our doors, trying to figure out how to get back in “teaching shape.” I need to prioritize my fitness, especially if I am going to lead the pack when the doors open. Knowing this and implementing it are, unfortunately, two different things. Therefore, today starts implementation mode. The new routine. The one where I was out of bed at 5:30 a.m. again and doing a workout for me. The one that I refocused on my water in take and fueling my body with protein in the morning. The one that has my heart rate pumping and the form and technique of my punches and kicks looking and feeling good again.

    And I am going to use this blog as my accountability. Why? Because maybe it will get you moving too… and maybe, when the doors open back up, you will be ready.

    Here is what the plan looks like so far:

    to rebuild healthy movement and eating habits in the next two weeks, allowing me the energy and stamina to re-open the studio by living a healthy lifestyle, which will allow me to continue to inspire and coach members to the best of my ability.

    Monday-Friday 5:30 am Yoga for strength and flexibility.
    Monday- Wednesday- Friday- Club Kickbox online workouts (done during kids’ nap times)
    Tuesday- Thursday- Saturday Bas Rutten 30 min fighters workouts done during kids’ nap times) During Bas I will jump rope in between each round for added stamina.
    Sunday- rest, but active rest walks with family and playing outside if weather permits.

    Eating plan-
    I will continue to follow the intermittent fasting (7 am- 5 pm time window.)
    I will follow the 80/20 percent rule. 80 % is healthy, clean foods, while 20 % is fun foods (Yes, I will still enjoy a pizza and an adult beverage or two).
    I will make sure my water intake is at least 80 oz of water a day.

    As of right now, this is the plan that I know I can do. Being prepared is the first step. I wrote it down on my calendar. I told you all, my blogging followers…. and now I am going to continue to put it into action, because I know in 2 weeks I want to have many realizations that my body is now able to do things that it couldn’t do today! Here we are! Let’s go!

  • Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    April Is the Cruelest Month

    For those of you that don’t know, I have a Master’s Degree in English. I love to read. Most believe April to be the month of spring. Even Geoffrey Chaucer’s narrator in the Canterbury Tales claimed that April is sweet compared to March’s drought. But T.S. Elliot in The Waste Land stated, “April is the cruelest month.

    April is the cruelest month, breeding
    Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
    Memory and desire, stirring
    Dull roots with spring rain.

    There is so much I can talk about regarding APRIL. This April has been cruel, to say the least. It feels more like The Waste Land version compared to the sweet version of Chaucer. Life today feels a little uneasy, much like Eliot’s poem with words like breeding, mixing, stirring, dead, and dull. The action words ending in -ing also seem fitting for our days in quarantine, where we are covering, hoping, banning, waiting, obeying, and distancing.

    But even more interesting about The Waste Land is what some critics think the entire poem means. Mind you, the poem is an odd read- full of different characters, languages, and Modernist writing experiments that at times makes it quite confusing. With that being said, the critic E.M. Forester claimed that The Waste Land is about the “fertilizing waters that arrived too late. It is a poem of horror” because the water was not able to come to give the resurrection and rebirth that happens in the spring (along with the rebirth and resurrection that happens with Easter). Additionally he claims that this is suppose to be a poem of barren and individual isolation. Other critics claim that it is a poem speaking directly to the life in Europe after WWI, barren landscapes and men both literally and metaphorically dead from war.

    And here we are, in April, dealing with a pandemic- a war on a virus. Finding ourselves isolated, barren, and to some living in horror. I wonder who will write The Waste Land 2.0?
    April is the Cruelest month in modern history, Distancing
    Each other from loved ones, Losing
    Jobs and income, Covering
    our faces from the world, fearing
    A virus that we don’t yet understand.

    To read the full version of The Wasteland click here:

    And may we all find the sweet rebirth and resurrection that April is to bring soon, and it doesn’t come too late, leaving us literally and metaphorically dead.

  • Empowerment,  Productivity

    It’s Time To Celebrate

    Stop… Get a piece of paper and a pen…. Do you have them yet?

    Okay now answer the following questions:
    1.) Last week, what is one thing that I am proud of?
    2.) Last week, what is one thing that I accomplished?
    3.) Last week, what is one thing that made me smile?
    4.) Last week, what is one thing that made me feel strong?
    5.) Last week, what is one thing that made me confident?

    Have your answers?

    Read them again.

    When was the last time you thought about really everything you accomplished in a week and said, “dang, I really did do some pretty cool things?” “Man, looking back I really did win my week.”

    Mentally, we tend to focus on the negative or the losses more than the fact that we did some pretty remarkable things. We blow off the important wins and replace them with the self- sabotaging negative losses. It happens, but we can change it.


    I use a planner that asked me each week to record 3-5 wins. I write them down each Sunday. Because the wins put me in productive, energized state of mind, I then create my plan for the week and what I want to accomplish. The wins, allow me to build momentum off of the previous week’s successes, which inspires and motivates me to have another successful up coming week.

    My recommendation, on Sunday spend 10-20 minutes answering the questions above. Then figure out how to build on those wins during the up coming week. Remember what you pay attention to grows. Paying attention to your success will breed more success, and that will fuel you.

    What are my wins this week?
    1.) Matthew was home and we got to connect as a family like we have never done before.
    2.) I got to video chat with my parents
    3.) I got to connect with members who are doing our challenge and help them- helping people really does feed my soul.
    4.) I got my workouts completed, and ate very healthy.
    5.) I recognized that I missed some of my routine, and created a game plan to get it back in, in a new and creative way.

    What are yours? Comment below! Let’s celebrate our wins and build on our success.

  • Empowerment,  Productivity

    How to Make Home Workouts Your New Normal

    The new normal…

    Habits and routines are changing. For some it is creating a lot of stress and frustration… But it should be a time of excitement! Think about it, when was the last time you could totally reinvent your lifestyle? Many of us are looking for ways to change, but then do little to make those changes. Now, we are being asked to reinvent ourselves, our habits, our lifestyles. Why not use this time to create a workout routine and become the healthiest version of yourself possible?

    Yeah, we all know that working out has tons of positive benefits for your body including weight loss, stress relief, improvements with your mood, energy, muscle toning, and stamina. It’s important to exercise… that is a no brainer. But how do you make it your new normal?

    Gyms are closed. “The gym is only for fit people…” is no longer a valid excuse. And the best part is that people are getting creative with their workouts and now, more than ever, willing to share how they are getting fit. Now is the time to figure out what workouts work best for you, whether it is kickboxing, lifting, zumba, yoga, bootcamp style workouts and more. You can find all types of programs (even ones that local gyms offer) on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.

    Here is Club Kickbox’s Youtube channel to check out what we are doing…

    So, how do you make working out part of your new normal.

    1.) Set a small goal- maybe a goal that lasts a few weeks. For example, it could be a challenge (a lot of local gyms including Club Kickbox have set up challenges during this time. Join one for a little added accountability and community!) Another example would be to work on your flexibility, lose 5 -10 lbs, managing your stress, or building your stamina.

    2.) Once you have a goal, create a plan. Most trainers say that you should workout 3 days a week. Dig out your calendar. Pick what 3 days and time that would work each week. Treat these dates like your meeting times or appointments for the week. Don’t skip them!! I mean you wouldn’t skip out on your boss would you?

    3.) Plan your workouts to last a minimum of 20 minutes.

    4.) Figure out what workouts will work best for you. You can Youtube many different program including ClubKickbox classes, dance classes, yoga classes and more. Feel free to experiment a little. Doing this now, you know where you want to invest your time when gyms open back up.

    5.) Expect your workouts to not be perfect. Let’s get real, kids will distract you or want to play along, the dog will bark. Make it a time for some fun. With the new normal, it is hard to eliminate distractions. So embrace them. Allow the kids or your partner to join in, laugh, let loose a little. Use this as a time to forget about all the other crazy in the world.

    6.) Create a fun playlist. Music can play a huge difference in your mood and how you workout. Make a playlist that will motivate you to get moving and have some fun.

    7.) Order a new workout outfit online! When you get new clothes you want to wear them, right! Put on those new clothes and get moving!

    8.) Get a buddy involved. Having some accountability allows your workouts to be social in a world that is asking you to distance. With software like Zoom, you can even workout together miles apart. And post workout stay on the line to chat with your buddy for a few! 🙂

    9.) Celebrate your successes., even if it is just completing a 20 minute workout. We all need small wins these days. Give yourself some credit. Pat yourself on the back. Feel proud and accomplished. You did it, and that is awesome!

    10.) Finally, at the end of the week, evaluate how you did. How can you make the next week better? What do you want to accomplish? How can you improve your routine? What small hiccups should you be prepared for? What have you learned? What is the next week going to look like?

    Yes, our routines are sometimes an experiment of sorts. It is a puzzle to figure out what works. But now is the best time to add an exercise routine to your new normal. Let’s start this routine today, and continue it for the rest of our lives. Your health will thank you!

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