• Communication,  Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    STOP Creating Your Own Adversity!

    Last week I mentioned how adversity just sometimes happens. But sometimes, I hate to say it, we create our own adversity. I have an ego that is like “Superwoman:” I can DO IT ALL, and THEN SOME!!!! I like to feel like Mighty Mouse walking around boldly singing, “Here I come to save the day.” … And then I try, which means I take on too much, my day becomes jammed full, and before I even recognize it, I am problem solving a problem that I created.

    Normally, feeling like you are saving the day allows adrenaline to kick in, giving me energy. I begin to say things like, “I am helping,” “Look at all the stuff that got checked of my to-do list.” “I am so productive.” I finish the day tired, but satisfied that it all got done. I feel victorious and accomplished. These feelings tell me I did good, which outweighs the fact that I have been running around like a mad-woman all day and am totally exhausted.

    The feeling of victory releases good hormones in my brain–Dopamine and serotonin. These are the same addicting hormones that happen when you do drugs. My drug addiction becomes “saving the day.” The thing is, after a few days, weeks, or months… I become physically, emotionally, and mentally stressed out and tired. I just want someone to step in and help… but (here’s a big secret) I am bad at/ or don’t like to ask people for help. Therefore, I feel alone and stuck. This feeling again is a form of adversity, though 100% self induced.

    For the last year I have been very conscious of this problem. I have purposely said “no” to taking on some projects because I don’t want the added stress on my plate. I have began to analyze the problems in front of me differently. I have created awareness that I can’t do it all, but I can do something.

    I have learned that “doing something” sometimes means asking for help from others. Or, that “doing something” means that I can teach others how to do it. Or, that “doing something” means that a project can take longer than 24 hours to complete and it’s okay to split it up over the course of time. I have learned that “doing something” can have a one hour time limit, and it’s okay to turn it off when the time limit is up.

    I used to say that one of my greatest strengths was that I could get so many things done. What I now realize is that one of my greatest strengths also has the potential to be my greatest weakness. Saving the day has it’s perks… but even super heros need breaks.

  • Communication,  Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    “Sh!t Happens:” A Bumper Sticker that Changed How I View Adversity

    Tell me if something like this has happened to you…. Because it happens to me ALL THE TIME!

    You decide that you are going to do something, for example, save some money to pay for a vacation or pay off a credit card… then something happens to stop you, like an unexpected car expense. All of a sudden you feel like you are always stuck behind the eight ball, and the world won’t let you get ahead to reach your goals, or let you have a vacation.

    Have you felt like that? We all have.

    It is called ADVERSITY. And just like when Forrest Gump stepped in sh!t during his cross country run and the line “sh!t happens” became a tag line on a bumper sticker, adversity happens too. Heck, that’s the real name to the “sh!t.” And yes, it sucks, it smells, and it is an awful deterrent to any goal.

    But, you have two choices. You can dwell on it and complain… or you could be like Forrest Gump, say “it happens,” then take another step and keep moving.

    Adversity is an interesting beast. It happens in every aspect of life. Why? Because a majority of the 20th century, we have become obsessed with making our world about ease and convenience– about coming up with a way of battling adversity. When time was a problem, we developed cars to make travel time quicker, creating more time. When passing messages took too long, we developed phones to communicate quicker. As a society we are always looking for ways to destroy adversity.

    Now while this has allowed our society to grow in exponential ways (I really don’t want to go back to times of pre-cars) I also believe that this has created a society that allows adversity to win many battles because so much is done for us so quickly, and thus has allowed us to lose both self-confidence and problem solving abilities. We simply don’t know how to say “it happens” and move on… instead we dwell on it, and let it stress us out and create anxiety.

    But what if, for a brief moment prior to a major melt-down, you take a deep breath, say “it happens,” and focus on the next step. How would your life be different? Would you have less stress? Would you come up with a different solution instead of getting stuck up on that moment like a skipping CD (oh wait, CDs and records don’t have that problem anymore thanks to digital music… tehehe, just another example how we have eliminated adversity).

    This blog is just written to get you thinking about the adversity in your life. No, I don’t like to use extra cash to pay for an unexpected expense, but “it happens.” The crazy thing is, that somehow someway, we learn to take care of it. But the real power comes from despite the adversity, we still keep our eye on what we want to achieve, regardless of the sh!t we have to step in to get there. When something matters to us, we make “it happen” too. And the stuff we have to overcome to get there builds our confidence, our character, and our determination to beat any adversity that may try to knock us down in the future. Therefore, learn to use adversity to your advantage. Change your relationship with the “sh!t that happens,” and learn from Forrest Gump to simply take the next step. Life will be less stressful that way.

  • Empowerment,  Purposeful Living

    Phone Detox Review: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

    I did it! Nearly 63 hours with NO PHONE!!! No Texts! No Calls! No Social Media! No Immediate Updates!

    It was so FREEING! Matthew and I were able to have fun with one another (even though he didn’t give up his phone, he seemed to be on it less because I was not on it). The kids didn’t play phone calls on their plastic phones as much.

    Instead we went swimming, and there was no stress about leaving my phone outside in the heat or fear of it getting wet.

    But, there was some real anxiety that I was noticing about my phone. In fact three things became very clear, and they are things that I am going to have to work on over the next few months.

    1.) I have a fear of missing out. Yes, FOMO. I am scared that I will miss something happening if I don’t have my phone on. I will miss a news story. I will miss something that happened at the studio without seeing social media updates. I will miss out, and be out of the loop. But…

    2.) I have a fear of missing opportunity at work. We have a new sales ad that launched last week. We had just started getting new leads. I had this fear that if I wasn’t on my game, working those opportunities with urgency, I was going to lose them. They were not going to trust us with their health and fitness, they would choose another gym and be let down by their goals, we would miss the chance to make more money, it would ultimately affect my families financial security… (yes, my head goes everywhere when it comes to helping people and taking care of my family). Though it is nice to have a good work ethic, this type of behavior often causes me to be in “work mode” 24/7. When I see a notification pop up about a lead, I normally stop whatever I am doing to try to work it. Speed and urgency have always been king. This weekend, it was out of sight, out of mind. It was nice. But…

    3.) I have a fear of letting people down. Like the fear of missing out and missed opportunity, I also have a fear of letting people down. This means if people expect things from me or need questions answered and I am not available to help, I am letting them down. This also means that I have not set any boundaries for when is my time. Instead, my time belongs to everyone else, because I could let them down. But…

    All those BUTs…. Yes, they accumulated and at midnight on Sunday I woke up in a total panic attack. My heart was racing. My breath was short. My mind was restless. I tried to lay there and fall back asleep. No luck. An hour later, I got out of bed, walked the house, did a 5 minute workout, wrote in my journal… no luck. My heart still raced, my mind still wondered, my breath still shallow. I tried to go back to bed. That didn’t help. Finally at 3:30 am, I moved to the couch. At this point, I was annoyed and tired. I buried my face in the pillow and surrendered to a sleepless night.

    So what was the cause? Why was my heart racing? What was my mind restless about?


    Yes! I was having a panic attack because I had to face my fears of what I had missed out on, what kind of opportunities I missed, and who I let down because I wasn’t glued to my phone for 63 hours. Because I put down the powerful cell phone and focused my powers on being a connected wife and mother. Because I enjoyed the hot summer days and the 4th of July with the people I love.

    Is it just me or this shouldn’t cause panic and anxiety. Where did I go wrong that this has happened? And most importantly, what can I do to find the balance. Truth be told, I don’t know. I am not sure if there is a real solution other than learning to not let myself down. Because I do let myself down when I am in fear of always being available to not let others down. I do let myself down when I miss the opportunities to have fun with the kids. I do let myself down when I miss out on the moments in front of me because I am always looking for what I am missing out on social media.

    Just like everything in life, balance is hard. Creating new habits is hard. We will resort to what we have always done because it is easy. This is a little harder because it is not just my boundaries that are being affected but people who rely on me for information, and in a world where we can access anything instantly, if I don’t respond, I fear I am not looked upon as reliable, which may ruin my reputation, and my reputation is so important to me.

    The solution has to be easy. Maybe as simple as a Facebook post every Sunday that I am spending the day taking care of my family and will return on Monday morning, allowing people to know that my life and time is valuable to me too.

    Other solutions are welcomed too… Would love to have some real problem solving, brain storming sessions around this topic and how to maximize and prioritize our time without feeling guilty. Then some accountability to actually follow through on giving myself my time and energy back without dedicating it all to the ALMIGHTY PHONE!

    Anyone else want to join me?

  • Empowerment,  Purposeful Living

    Phone Detox

    This weekend I am taking a phone detox. I am turning off social media. I am turning off the constant stream of live updates. And I am updating myself.

    Each year around this time, I try to put away the need for connection that my phone provides and try to connect with what really matters most- my kids, my husband, and our lives that we are building.

    2020 has created some anxiety. My social media feeds and other media outlets unfortunately contribute to the anxiety. The constant debating and yelling has me tired. There are other ways to solve problems than yelling over one another or blasting someone on social media. My brain and heart desire calm, peace, and resolution.

    It is the 4th of July weekend. A time where we celebrate and honor America. I understand that there is a desire for change. But truth be told, I am not sure where my voice and thoughts fit in with all of it. I need to turn it off. I need time to figure out my thoughts, ones that are not influenced over all the debates, and yelling, and hatred. I need time to look at the sweet faces of Lily and Jack playing in the backyard, and find comfort in the type of America that we are able to provide for them and figure out how this kind of life can be made for everyone who is willing to “fight” for it.

    I use that word “fight” figuratively. I “fight” every day for things that I want and believe in. I “fight” for my health. I “fight” for my families financial stability. I “fight” for my own type of peace (for me I find that in the serenity my back yard, away from the noise). I “fight” for positivity and gratefulness. I “fight” for the life I have created. It hasn’t been given to me. I have had to work hard. And the crazy thing that the American Dream provides is that that “fight” continues to grow, because my dreams continue to grow. And I will continue to “fight” for the life that I choose. I will problem solve how to obtain my dream, making it a reality. The ability to dream and create your dreams is a beautiful, beautiful thing for me.

    But the first step in this right now is to turn off my phone. It is to let my mind figure out what my “dream” is and not to be influenced by everyone and everything out there. It is my way to connect with my immediate family. It is my way to not be distracted by things that I can’t control right now. It is my chance to wipe my slate clean and give myself a new, unfiltered perspective, and perhaps return to the “connection” that the phone provides with a rejuvenated outlook and potential solutions to help others find their dreams and happiness.

    So, if you want a reset as well, feel free to do the same. In order to make this work, I need to turn it off and put it in a drawer. However, other people can’t forget about it. Therefore, I also suggest taking off all apps (like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, News stations) off the homescreen of the phone. I am turning it off at 3:00 PM today (Friday, July 3), and I am not turning it on until Monday morning.

    Happy 4th of July. Happy weekend to reset and realign your focus. I will publish another blog early next week with how it went and insights I have gained though the clarity and new focus. Stay tuned.

  • Communication,  Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    One Major Tip for Building a Habit

    I have been in a Toastmaster’s group for over a year now. Each week we have an extemporaneous section of our meeting, where one person calls on different members to answer questions. This week was around the theme of habits and morning routines.

    I understand that some people are not morning people. It is difficult to get people up and going. One member reminded me that she actually has her most energy in the middle of the day, and that is where she finds her most productive time. Other’s do more in their first three hours. While other’s just wish.

    I know I have mentioned what I do in the morning, but what is it that makes it stick? Why can I actually create these habits. There is one trick that allows me to actually break the old habit and follow through with what I am trying to do, no matter the time of the day. Mornings just work well for me… What is the trick?

    When I get go to bed, I know what is something that I want to accomplish. For example, it if I want my habit to be to get out of bed and read in the morning… it is easy to hit the snooze and just fall back asleep. Most people do it.

    But, here is what happens in my mind next. I tell myself, I wanted to get up and I have the INTEGRITY and SELF CREDIBILITY to get out of bed like I intended. Someone with integrity and self credibility will do what they wished, someone without it doesn’t. And quite honestly, I don’t want to be someone without integrity and self credibility. Therefore, I push past that little voice that says to “hit the snooze,” or “not read the book.”

    Pretty soon I was getting out of bed when I intended, without thinking about it. Yes, that habit was created. Over time, I could add in more to the morning routine. I would remind myself that I had the integrity and self credibility to get in done. Guess what pretty soon I was getting up and making my bed. Then with the same strategy I was drinking more water, reading, and moving. It all didn’t happen at once. And even today, when I want to add something in, I go back to the idea that I have the INTEGRITY AND SELF CREDIBILITY to create the habit that I want.

    Next time you find yourself hitting the snooze button or derailing from the habit that you want to create, take a moment and remind yourself that you have self credibility and integrity to do what you intend to do. Then just go! You got this.

  • Empowerment,  Purposeful Living

    Eat G.R.O.W Food

    Jack, my 4 year old, struggles with eating. He wants all the chocolate, all the sugar, all the juice… But, during dinner time it takes him FOR-E-VER to eat the healthy, good stuff. We have tried bribing. We have tried making him sit there. We have even told him that his little sister will grow bigger than him. And if he wants to be big like ________ insert athlete, super hero of the week_____ he will have to eat his GROW food.

    GROW food stuck with him. But, there are certain criteria that fit for G.R.O.W. food.

    Grow Food has to be GOOD. We are talking food that is Good for you. It should be either a protein, healthy fat, carb, or veggie.

    Grow Food has to be REAL. So much of our food is over processed. When you go shopping at the grocery store, think of all food around the boarder of the store– Fresh Produce, Meats, Dairy— and not the stuff down the aisles. The Fresh Produce, Meats, and Dairies are unprocessed, and more natural and real.

    Grow Food should be consumed in OODLES… Honestly I was thinking of a fun “O” word. And Oodles is fun to say 🙂 But consuming more quantities of GROW food will help kids grow to be healthy as compared to fast food, candy, and sugar. Eating OODLES of GROW food is good if you want to be like Superman.

    Grow Food should fuel your WELLNESS. Remember, you are what you eat. The cells of the things you consume help determine the clarity of your skin, your shape, how much energy you have to be like Superman and much more. You want to be healthy, eat the good GROW foods that will make you like Superman, and the energy and ability will also keep GROWING.

    So the next time kids ask why they need to eat their carrots- tell them it is GROW FOOD to be like (insert athlete, super hero, etc. here).

    R- Real
    W- Wellness

    As we all know, Popeye ate his spinach to grow strong, and our kids should continue to do the same to GROW as well.

  • Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    April Is the Cruelest Month

    For those of you that don’t know, I have a Master’s Degree in English. I love to read. Most believe April to be the month of spring. Even Geoffrey Chaucer’s narrator in the Canterbury Tales claimed that April is sweet compared to March’s drought. But T.S. Elliot in The Waste Land stated, “April is the cruelest month.

    April is the cruelest month, breeding
    Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
    Memory and desire, stirring
    Dull roots with spring rain.

    There is so much I can talk about regarding APRIL. This April has been cruel, to say the least. It feels more like The Waste Land version compared to the sweet version of Chaucer. Life today feels a little uneasy, much like Eliot’s poem with words like breeding, mixing, stirring, dead, and dull. The action words ending in -ing also seem fitting for our days in quarantine, where we are covering, hoping, banning, waiting, obeying, and distancing.

    But even more interesting about The Waste Land is what some critics think the entire poem means. Mind you, the poem is an odd read- full of different characters, languages, and Modernist writing experiments that at times makes it quite confusing. With that being said, the critic E.M. Forester claimed that The Waste Land is about the “fertilizing waters that arrived too late. It is a poem of horror” because the water was not able to come to give the resurrection and rebirth that happens in the spring (along with the rebirth and resurrection that happens with Easter). Additionally he claims that this is suppose to be a poem of barren and individual isolation. Other critics claim that it is a poem speaking directly to the life in Europe after WWI, barren landscapes and men both literally and metaphorically dead from war.

    And here we are, in April, dealing with a pandemic- a war on a virus. Finding ourselves isolated, barren, and to some living in horror. I wonder who will write The Waste Land 2.0?
    April is the Cruelest month in modern history, Distancing
    Each other from loved ones, Losing
    Jobs and income, Covering
    our faces from the world, fearing
    A virus that we don’t yet understand.

    To read the full version of The Wasteland click here:

    And may we all find the sweet rebirth and resurrection that April is to bring soon, and it doesn’t come too late, leaving us literally and metaphorically dead.

  • Communication,  Empowerment,  Purposeful Living

    Finding Contentment

    Confession- I struggle with contentment. But every 5 or 6 years that word, “content,” reveals itself, and I immediately try to get moving- like it is not okay to be content, because there is always better. And if I am not in pursuit of getting better, I am settling for the status quo. I hate settling.

    Defined by Webster’s Dictionary, to be content is to be in a state of satisfaction.

    Yesterday I was asked to be content again. As I mentioned in previous blogs, I read a morning devotional. The reading was about finding contentment in current circumstances…. Dang! Isn’t that just perfect timing. The last thing that I am focusing on in life is contentment. What a lesson… It was like I was being called to pay attention.

    Current circumstances are far from normal for any of us. Many of us are out of work, or being asked to work from home. At the same time we are taking on roles unfamiliar to us, like teachers for our kids. To further complicate matters, many of us are scared. Fear of the unknown, unable to plan. It is hard to find contentment in this current circumstance.

    Where is contentment or satisfaction found in this moment?

    I find satisfaction in sticking to my workouts. I feel better after a workout, even if it is not perfect, it is done. And getting it done gives me a moment of contentment…. plus working out gets the good hormones going, and those hormones make people happier.

    The second place I find contentment in my kids’ smiles. When I am playing with the kids and involved in their kids, they light up. Granted Jack and Lily are not school aged, therefore, their daily routines have not changed, but taking the few moments to act like a kid again with them and to smile is a nice way to find contentment.

    The next place contentment is found is talking to my family, whether it is through a video phone call or face to face. There is a sense of closeness and comfort while talking to the people I love.

    Where do I not find contentment… I don’t find it while watching the news, there is little satisfaction that I find by watching the constant tally of positive COVID-19 tests and death tolls. I wish we would celebrate the recoveries and keep our eyes on the number that are recovering. I find satisfaction in those numbers.

    I don’t find contentment at the grocery store, hearing of the scarcity within the shelves is sad. But, it is where our current circumstances are at today. Maybe my lesson is to find contentment in these places?

    I don’t find a ton of contentment reading Facebook. Therefore, I try to post things that make me happy and that I am grateful for. When I shift my perspective, I find contentment. But I am grateful that so many people have used Facebook as a way to stay connected during these times. For example, I am so honored to still be able to teach the members at the studio through Facebook Live as well as watch church services on that platform as well.

    In turbulent circumstances, finding the good brings a sense that everything will be okay. I, more than ever, need to remind myself that I have no control over a lot of present circumstances. But I do have control on what I focus on. I can find the good. I can notice moments that allow me satisfaction and happiness. When I do so, contentment feels a lot better, there is hope and relief.

    Therefore, my challenge to all of you- notice moments of contentment in your life each day. Find them. Cherish them. Let them grow and bring you more hope and satisfaction. Let’s find happiness during these circumstances. Because, that still exists. Sometimes you just need to search a little harder.

  • Communication,  Empowerment,  Purposeful Living

    I Haven’t Written

    I haven’t written because I don’t know what to say….

    I haven’t written because I don’t understand…

    I haven’t written because I don’t know how to say it…

    I haven’t written because I don’t want to say the wrong thing…

    I haven’t written…

    And silence sometimes speaks louder than words.

    And silence sometimes is okay…

    It gives us time to think, to create, to invent, to comprehend, to pray…

    And silence sometimes is not okay…

    It gives us time to think, to be in our heads, to find the negativity…

    Just because I haven’t published on here doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing a lot of thinking. Journaling daily has become a habit, ideas are flowing. I really believe that COVID-19 will enter history books. The response that our country is taking to reduce the spread of this virus is new. It is different. Many times new and different are scary words for people. People rarely go out looking for something new and different. Now, we are being forced to accept the new and different. Again, a term people don’t like- forced.

    Personally, I don’t mind new approaches to problem solving. I enjoy thinking outside of the box and coming up with a new solution. Asking people to self quarantine is definitely a new approach to the age-old problem of spreading germs and viruses. Is it the best approach? I don’t know. Time will tell as the virus continues to spread or the economy shifts. But we will learn from this approach.We will figure out how to adapt it into different more reasonable ways. We may even save some lives. Who knows.

    As for work, yes, my industry was affected. The gym is forced to close. But one skill that the leadership team is great at is pivoting and making adjustments. Never in my life have I seen new systems implemented and products available as I have witnessed in the last 72 hours. In that time we have began an online class program, have gotten up a portal for members to participate in a FREE 30 day challenge equipped with fitness, accountability, and nutrition, recorded endless amounts of video for members to have access to different types of workout at their disposal, and more. It has been a collective effort. And it has been awesome learning this new methods of being able to help people (even though we have had to do it all very quickly). I am thankful for being a part of it, and helping the implementation take hold so quickly.

    One thing that I love about what I do is the community. We have the best people involved in our organization. I look forward to seeing their faces come into the studio and chatting. I feel like our members have done some pretty great things to keep our community thriving even though they are not in the studio. I pray that that continues, and we are continuing to be creative to keep it going as long as we have to. Trust us members, we are here for you and will do everything in our power to create value in what we have to offer.

    I think I have said enough now…
    I think I want to go back to thinking…
    I think I want to find new things to say…
    I think I want to continue to understand….
    I think I will write again, soon!

  • Empowerment,  Productivity,  Purposeful Living

    Focus on the Doughnut and Not the Hole

    “As you travel through life, my friend, whatever be thy goal,
    Focus on the doughnut, and not the hole.” Optimist’s Creed

    I was introduced to the Optimist’s Creed 5 years ago, by Jeff, an owner of the studio.  I was new to my leadership role, and often found myself looking for things that were not there instead of focusing on all the good that was manifesting right before my eyes. Pretty soon, this lesson was adopted into my team and the idea of “focusing on the doughnut and not the hole” became my team’s mantra. Whenever stress and overwhelm would take over on a shift, my team would remind one another “doughnut not the hole.” Immediately we would shift our perception and look for the good that was right in front of us. Maybe it was a member wearing a tanktop for the first time, or a member consistently coming to class 3 times a week, or a member doing pushups on their toes, or a fellow team member teaching an amazing class, we were always on a mission to find the good.  Focusing on the good opened our eyes to more good. More good brought on more things to be grateful for. More gratitude brought on more positivity. And positivity spread like wildfire from the instructors to the members and into the member’s lives outside of our walls. 

    Fast forward 5 years. Here we are in the middle of rebranding the studio. As of March 1st, we are no longer part of the ilovekickboxing franchise. Now, we are completely independent and known as Club Kickbox.

    During this time it is easy to focus on what is missing, instead of the good that is in front of us (the doughnut). Since we opened Perrysburg 5 years ago, I have always strived to teach my team to make the environment and community one of fun, of positivity, of empowerment, of encouragement, of success, of passion. We will continue to provide that same environment. A positive community, where people want to come and continue to show up, is part of my doughnut.

    The difference is that we are adding in more, again this is not a bad thing. We are able to provide a higher level service and coach people in better ways. We are able to help more, we are able to dig deeper and really change people’s lives if they will let us. Again, focusing on the doughnut not the hole, right now there are many distractions that I can focus on with the rebrand. But my eyes are on the prize. 

    This new rebranding is something that I believe in and something that I am willing to fight for, to adapt to. In fact, I am really excited about the ways we can really help our community and spread more positivity and empowerment, including different types of resistance training, workshops, seminars, challenges, and so much more. The possibilities are endless, and helping people feel strong, empowered, confident, and alive is my personal ultimate goal and one that I choose to continue to focus on, it is my doughnut, not the hole. 

    How can you apply this?
    1.) Come up with 3 or 4 things that you want to focus on (your doughnut), disregard the holes 🙂
    2.) When faced with a challenge, ask yourself if it helps meet these 3 or 4 things you are focusing on. If it does continue, if it doesn’t refocus to the doughnut
    3.) Stay the course, the good is around you, but you must develop the habit of looking for it and discovering it. Even if it is tiny and minute, find it. More good can grow from very small things.

    And always remember the Optimist’s Creed- my mantra- focus on the doughnut and not the hole.

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